Tag Archives: changed

Sideways Glances

a glance
the peripheral of my soul
a mentor to respect
a voice that sounds like mine

a sideways glance i catch
on the rim of truths waiting,
the edge of sight
for me to notice
and to question
when it hasn’t clicked or gelled or taken hold of me
wracking in my face
until AHA moments flood
and dominoes fall, to brush another’s attention to force the next
to lean,
leaving residue
i feed upon

this brings contentment that i can
spew out the joy that i am

and when we’ve come full circle, now that we all lay down, unbeaten
merely changed to BE
i know this is my common sense, my intuition,
my gut feelings that fail me, not
leaving me only left to continue uprighting until i am ready to lean into the glance,
sideways to the course, when the course has nothing but fork tines to choose
the best path from
to continue this journey to enlightenment, zen…
to my core,
which never takes compliments, but does accept nurture

indebted only to the fact that i reamin facing forward
because i am meant to,
all else will make sense
when that time comes

-dld december 7th, 2010
—- —- —- —- —
for The Muse is IN Writing Group



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dld may tenth, twenty, ten